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About Us

At WasabiCon, fandom is family.

Newcon PDX started in 2012 as a “new con” for Portland fans of sci-fi, video games, anime, comics and cosplay. Shortly after, the convention launched a secondary show called Anime PDX to focus more on Asian pop culture. In 2018, both shows were acquired by Green Mustard Entertainment and rebranded as Fandom PDX® and ran under that moniker for three years before becoming WasabiCon® PDX.

Like its sister show in Jacksonville, Florida, WasabiCon® PDX focuses on three key facets of fandom: anime, cosplay and gaming!

Our philosophy is a simple one: create a memorable experience for pop culture fans where everyone feels included. Cosplay a favorite character, check out a panel about a new show, buy that print from an artist you’ve recently discovered, and just be yourself in an environment of like-minded fans celebrating their own passions for movies, music, TV, tabletop adventures, video games and much, much more. Fandom is family at our event, and we hope you’ll choose to be a part of it.

Have questions? We suggest you take a moment and read our FAQ page. If, after doing so, you still have questions, you can email us via [email protected] or call the office at (904) 878-8503.

Event History

NEWCON PDX 1: December 29-30, 2012 at the Crowne Plaza Portland-Downtown Convention Center
420 attendees

NEWCON PDX 2: December 27-29, 2013 at the Crowne Plaza Portland-Downtown Convention Center
936 attendees

NEWCON MINI 1: June 14, 2014 at the Doubletree by Hilton Portland
~300 attendees

NEWCON PDX 3: January 2-4, 2015 at the Doubletree by Hilton Portland
1,267 attendees

NEWCON MINI 2: June 20, 2015 at the Doubletree by Hilton Portland
~400 attendees

NEWCON PDX 4: January 15-17, 2016 at the Doubletree by Hilton Portland
1,643 attendees

ANIME PDX 1 (was NEWCON MINI): August 6, 2016 at the Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront
600 attendees

NEWCON PDX 5: December 30, 2016-January 1, 2017 at the Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront
2,098 attendees

ANIME PDX 2: July 21-23, 2017 at the Crowne Plaza Portland-Downtown Convention Center
985 attendees

FANDOM PDX 2018: June 2-3, 2018 at the Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel
754 attendees

FANDOM PDX 2019: January 5-6, 2019 at the Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel
1,268 attendees

FANDOM PDX 2020: January 4-5, 2020 at the Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel
1,179 attendees

WASABICON PDX 2021: August 21-22, 2021 at the Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel
2,222 attendees

WASABICON PDX’S GEEK MARKETPLACE 2022: April 2, 2022 at the Hilton Portland Downtown
810 attendees

WASABICON PDX 2022: July 30-31, 2022 at the Hilton Portland Downtown
5,129 attendees

WASABICON PDX 2023: July 29-30, 2023 at the Hilton Portland Downtown
5,576 attendees

WASABICON PDX 2024: July 27-28, 2024 at the Hilton Portland Downtown
4,634 attendees

WASABICON PDX 2025: July 19-20, 2025 at the Hilton Portland Downtown
Portland, Oregon
TBD attendees

Attendees are reported using turnstile numbers.

Previous Guests

AbbyCat Cosplay (2024)
Abby Trott (2022)
Aleks Le (2022)
Alex Organ (2023)
Amanda C. Miller (2021)
Amtgard LARP (2020)
Amy Fantasy (2019)
Anime Cars of the World (2019 & 2020)
ANX Kpop Battles (2022)
Ask Cosplay Senpai (2022 – 2024)
Brandon Mcinnis (2024)
Brett Weldele (2018)
Callicake (2022 – 2024)
Chaotic Goodness Podcast (2020)
chewycosplays (2022 & 2023)
Christine Marie Cabanos (2016)
ClearHeartCosplay (2023)
ClickClackSnac (2023 & 2024)
Club Pangaea (2018)
Cosplay Deviants (2016 & 2022)
Cristina Vee (2016)
Dante Basco (2015)
DrClosetCosplay (2020)
Dying Light LARP (2018-2020)
Eli Ebberts (2024)
Eric Trueheart (2018)
EZDoodles (2023)
Faeliae.Kitsune (2023)
Floydman Sumner (2018-2019)
Grace Rolek (2019)
Hazy.Kitsune (2024)
Ian Sinclair (2023)
IgikoPop (2022-2024)
Isaac Marion (2017)
J. Michael Tatum (2024)
Janet Varney (2017)
Josh Grelle (2020)
Kamon Tari (2017-2019, 2021-2022)
Keith Silverstein (2017)
Kiba the Cosplay Corgi (2017)
Kimberly Brooks (2018)
Kimiko Glenn (2024)
Kira Buckland (2015)
Kyra’s Cosplay (2022)
LarpLikeRae (2024)
Lindsay Seidel (2024)
Lisle Wilkerson (2012 & 2017)
Maddy Kate Cosplay (2023)
MagicalGirl.Jes (2024)
Maid Cafe Mikkusu (2022-2024)
Maile Flanagan (2022)
Mary McDonald-Lewis (2019)
Mega Ran (2017)
Momma Sammu (2023)
Monica Rial (2023)
Monster Kid Radio (2020)
Mr. Creepy Pasta (2016-2017)
Natalie Hoover (2013)
Ninja of the Night (2016-2017)
Portland Fashion Week (2022)
PDXpelliarmus (2019)
PDX Time Machine (2018)
porkcutlett (2022)
Radical Edward (2019)
Richard Horvitz (2018)
Rikki Simons (2019)
Rose City Fashion Week (2023)
Ryan Wells (2015-2017)
SAMazon Cosplay (2019 & 2020)
Sean Chiplock (2015)
Shu Ken Kai (2024)
Steve Blum (2016)
Studio Hood (2018)
Sweet Maple Panda (2016-2017 & 2019-2021 & 2024)
The Honest Cosplayer (2023)
The Slants (2013-2016)
The Sleeves Oregon Gunpla Community (2023)
Troy Baker (2016)
Under The Deku Tree (2020-2024)
Uxieu (2021)
VivSai (2021 & 2023)
Zach Aguilar (2021)
Z Fighters Worldwide (2023)