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Conventions Rules. Disclaimers. Etc.

Convention Rules

1. Use common sense.

2. Things that can and will almost certainly get you removed from the convention:

  • Signs that say “free hugs” or any similar signs that solicit physical contact that can be implied as inappropriate, panhandling and/or solicitation. This includes, but is not limited to, “will yaoi for money,” “kisses for $1,” “glomp me,” etc.
  • Laser pointers pointed at other living beings.
  • Use of projectiles such as water guns, silly string, etc.
  • Use of rollerblades, skates, skateboards, hover boards, or any other inappropriate wheeled form of transportation in the hotel, convention center, or parking lot.

3. Harassment of any kind, including (but not limited to) verbal or physical assault, battery, deliberate intimidation, bullying, stalking, discrimination, or unwelcome physical attentions will not be tolerated. If attendees (or anyone at the event for that matter) tell you “no” or ask you to leave them alone, then your business with them is concluded. If you choose to further attempt contact with these individuals, then your badge into the event may be revoked by WasabiCon without a refund. WasabiCon and Green Mustard Entertainment are not responsible for solving any interpersonal problems that may arise between individual event attendees. In general, Green Mustard Entertainment cannot take any action to prevent a person from attending the convention unless he/she/they has made a specific and credible threat toward the convention itself or if another individual can produce a legal restraining order.

4. Treat the event facilities with respect. Damage in any way, shape or form to property in the event’s convention, hotel, or parking lot will not be tolerated.

5. Shower and bathe regularly and please practice appropriate personal hygiene.

6. Cosplay and dress appropriately. Refrain from wearing costumes and clothing that would not be considered appropriate in public.

7. Watch your own stuff. Green Mustard Entertainment staff, WasabiCon staff, and the hotel/convention center’s staff are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Do not bring your bag/purse/satchel/etc. to a convention event such as a dance and expect to be allowed to leave it with a staff member or under a table. (Please see Rule #1.)

8. Please keep hallways and entryways clear at all times. Take photographs of costumes and talk with your friends in appropriate areas.

9. All Green Mustard Entertainment events have a detailed props policy. We suggest you read it:

10. Your paid admission is a limited, revocable license to attend WasabiCon, which may be revoked or revised at any time at the sole discretion of Green Mustard Entertainment. All badge holders and licenses granted thereto are subject to the rules and regulations of WasabiCon.

11. WasabiCon may apply additional fees and limitations for certain activities.

12. A badge may be revoked and a badge holder ejected from the convention for disorderly conduct, a violation of the law or rules, or at the sole discretion of convention management and/or the host property’s management.

13. The badge holder grants irrevocable permission to Green Mustard Entertainment, WasabiCon, and their respective sponsors, licensees, advertisers, broadcasters, designees, partners and agents to use, publish, distribute, edit, modify and/or alter the badge holder’s image, likeness, voice, actions, and statements in any medium including, without limitation, any audio, video, film, photographs, social media, exhibition, transmission, publication or reproduction of the event for any purpose without further authorization or compensation, and waives all claims and potential claims relating to such use unless prohibited by law.

By accepting admission/membership to WasabiCon, the badge holder, in accepting a badge: (i) releases Green Mustard Entertainment from any liability for loss or damage to persons or property, infringement of any right, or any other claim or cause of action of any kind; (ii) authorizes and permits Green Mustard Entertainment and its designees to use for any and all purposes their name, voice, and likeness and all reproduction thereof in any and all forms and in all media now or hereafter known in perpetuity; (iii) understands they are prevented from taking, recording, or creating film, or digital pictures, videos, tapes, sound recordings, or any other visual or auditory recreation of any kind whatsoever, of any WasabiCon guest, member, volunteer, or employee, or of any WasabiCon event, including but not limited to cosplay, contests, seminar, session, dance, or performance, for any commercial use, or for the solicitation of funds for any commercial or other purpose, without the express written permission of Green Mustard Entertainment, Inc.; (iv) agrees to comply with all WasabiCon rules and regulations.

14. Your paid admission/membership is non-refundable and non-transferable and will not be replaced, so don’t lose it!

15. The rules and regulations of the convention center and event hotel and all local laws are in full effect during the event.

16. Cosplay is not consent. Ask permission before taking photographs or engaging in physical contact. Failure to do so is considered harassment (see Rule #3) and is grounds for expulsion from the convention.

17. COVID-19 has changed the way we all interact at conventions. Please adhere to the event’s hotel and convention center policies in regards to social distancing, face coverings and any other safety restrictions. 

18. When in doubt, please refer to Rule #1.

Props Policy

WasabiCon understands that props and replicas are very often an important part of costumes, cosplay, and our attendees’ overall convention experience. That said, we do have certain guidelines that we ask you to adhere to in order to make our event a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Attendees are asked not carry any working weapon, openly or concealed, at any time at or around the event hotel and/or convention center including all parking areas. Working weapons include (but are not limited to) firearms and ammunition of any kind: air-soft weapons, arrows, axes, BB guns, blow guns, bows, brass knuckles, cap guns, chains, clubs, daggers, explosives, hand guns, hatchets, katanas, knives, mace, martial arts weapons, nunchaku, paintball guns, pellet guns, pepper spray, pole arms, rifles, shotguns, staffs, switchblades, swords, sword canes, and tasers.

Any weapons, whether real or replica, purchased in the vendors room and/or artists alley must be kept wrapped and then immediately removed from event space following purchase.

Laser pointers or similar devices may not be used in public unless you are hosting a scheduled panel or event.

Any and all prop weapons and replicas being used as part of a costume must be submitted to WasabiCon registration for review. If approved, said costume element will be peace bonded by management. APPROVAL OF PROP WEAPONS AND REPLICAS IS PURELY AT THE DISCRETION OF EVENT MANAGEMENT, LOCATION MANAGEMENT, AND LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES ON SITE. We will do our best to make our determinations based on the safety of our attendees without impacting the integrity of your costume, but all decisions are final.

Approval of prop weapons and replicas can be revoked at any time for any reason including, but not limited to, the item being brandished/displayed inappropriately or complaints from attendees/guests/staff/vendors.

Violation of this weapons policy is not only grounds for being ejected from the convention, but also being banned from all future Green Mustard Entertainment events.


Liability Release and Waiver

By registering or participating in WasabiCon, you agree to be legally bound by Green Mustard Entertainment’s Convention Rules, Liability Release and Waiver, and all policies listed on the WasabiCon website.

PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY. Failure to agree and comply will deny you access to WasabiCon.

  • Using your badge and/or wristband to WasabiCon confirms that you have read and agree to be bound by our Convention Rules, the Liability Release and Waiver, and all our policies listed on the aforementioned website(s). If not, please return your badge to a staff member from Green Mustard Entertainment and leave the event.
  • A valid photo ID is required to pick up all pre-ordered tickets. The name on the ticket must match the name on the photo ID. NO EXCEPTIONS. Any person under the age of eighteen (18) without a photo ID must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The parent or guardian can use their ID to pick up their minor’s ticket. Unaccompanied minors will not be allowed to pick up tickets without a photo ID.
  • CHILDREN ages three (3) and under can get into WasabiCon free of charge. That said, if your child looks older, please be prepared to have some sort of age documentation on hand just in case, such as a copy of a birth certificate. We just want to avoid any confusion.
  • Each attendee is responsible for ANY AND ALL damages they cause to the convention center/hotel/event property.
  • Each attendee recognizes that WasabiCon and Green Mustard Entertainment, Inc. are NOT responsible for their lost, stolen, or damaged property.
  • Each attendee understands that their event ticket/membership is NON-REFUNDABLE. Additionally, the event ticket/membership is NON-TRANSFERABLE for any reason once the online advance ticket sales end.
  • Each attendee understands that violation of convention center/hotel/event property rules could result in revocation of their WasabiCon ticket/membership WITHOUT A REFUND. In addition, violation of any laws and ordinances are handed over to local authorities. Convention rules are available online on the aforementioned website(s).
  • Each attendee understands their badge and/or wristband must be worn in plain sight and is required to enter all convention activities and that WasabiCon is NOT responsible for lost credentials. If you lose your credentials, you will be asked to purchase a replacement to regain access to event areas.
  • Each attendee understands that WasabiCon is NOT a babysitting service and that all unaccompanied minors and actions by those minors are still the responsibility of the minor’s parent(s) or guardian(s).
  • Each attendee understands that they, their child(ren) or ward, or on the behalf of the aforementioned waive any claims against and release Green Mustard Entertainment, Inc., its officers, agents, volunteers, staff, and sponsors from all liability for any and all claims, demands, losses or damages on account of any discipline imposed for failure to behave accordingly, and on account of any injury, including death and property damage, whether caused by accident, negligence or otherwise.
  • Green Mustard Entertainment will work with each of WasabiCon’s hotels and host properties to make sure all reasonable health and safety measures are in place during our convention. However, an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By agreeing to be a part of WasabiCon, you understand that you are voluntarily assuming all risks related to exposure to COVID-19, and any potential variants, while attending the convention or any activities directly or indirectly related to it.
  • Green Mustard Entertainment, like other companies that run niche market pop culture events, calculates event budgets and creates scheduled entertainment based on advance ticket sales. As a result, we cannot, under almost any circumstance, offer refunds once a ticket has been purchased. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy can be found on the Green Mustard Entertainment, Inc. website: