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Cosplay Runway

Showcase you cosplay for other fans and attendees at WasabiCon PDX!

Get your model walk ready for the return of the Cosplay Runway! Now is your chance to show all of WasabiCon PDX that outfit you’ve been working on for years, months, or even hastily in the hotel room just hours beforehand. Cosplayers of all experience and skill levels are invited to strike a pose on our Main Events stage in this fun showcase event!

Attendees must sign up in person ahead of time at WasabiCon PDX to participate in the Cosplay Runway. There are a limited number of entries so be sure to stop by Cosplay Corner (Atrium Ballroom East, Plaza Level) to secure your spot! Additionally, please be sure to read this page in its entirety and review all of the Cosplay Runway Rules listed below. 

You are the moment! Are you ready to take the stage?

SIGN-UP: Saturday, July 27th from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM in Cosplay Corner (Atrium Ballroom East, Plaza Level)

SETUP: Saturday, July 27th at 6:30 PM in Main Events (Pavilion Ballroom)

EVENT: Saturday, July 27th at 7:00 PM in Main Events (Pavilion Ballroom)

Cosplay Runway Rules
  1. You must have purchased an entry into the convention in order to enter/present on stage for the Cosplay Runway.
  2. The Cosplay Runway is a family-oriented event. Please keep all costumes and presentations to a “PG-13″ rating i.e. no nudity or overly revealing attire.
  3. Spots are limited for this event, though we wish we could accept everyone! Be sure to stop by Cosplay Corner (Atrium Ballroom East, Plaza Level) ahead of time to register.
  4. All participants must report to Main Events (Pavilion Ballroom) at 6:30 PM on Saturday, July 27th for their call time for this event. 
  5. Only one entry is allowed for individuals or groups, participants are not allowed to participate multiple times.
  6. All weapons and props must conform with convention policies, hotel/conference center rules, and local laws concerning carrying a weapon. If there is a question of doubt, don’t bring it. You can read our event rules, including our Props Policy, online at
  7. For the safety of our participants, footwear of some sort must be worn at all times while participating in the Cosplay Runway. Even if the character you are dressed as as does not typically wear shoes, this is a requirement and will not be allowed on stage.
  8. For the safety of participants and audience members, stunts are not allowed as part of the Cosplay Runway and can include (but are not limited to) jumps on/off stage, front flips, back flips, throw based stunts, etc.
  9. Additional stagecraft is not permitted as part of the Cosplay Runway. Props are allowed so long as they can be quickly and easily brought on and off stage by the participant. 
  10. Special effects including but not limited to fog machines, pyrotechnics, lasers, water effects, confetti, glitter, or throwing items of any type into the audience are not permitted.
  11. Lighting requests cannot be accepted at this time for the Cosplay Runway. Please note that the Main Events room lighting cannot be turned off, dimmed, or coordinated to specific cues as part of the Cosplay Runway in any capacity.
  12. Green Mustard Entertainment, Inc. reserves the right to modify, update, or amend these rules at any time.
Thank you for your interest in WasabiCon PDX, we look forward to seeing everyone’s amazing cosplays!

What to Expect
  • Submissions for the Cosplay Runway will only be available on site at the event from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM in Cosplay Corner (Atrium Ballroom East, Plaza Level). These are accepted on a first come first serve basis and spots are limited!
  • At 6:30 PM on Saturday, all participants must report to the Main Events (Atrium Ballroom) for final setup. Individuals who sign up but do not attend setup may no longer be allowed to participate.
  • At 7:00 PM on Saturday the Cosplay Runway begins. Each participant will be allowed 2 minutes to walk across the stage and strike three poses before exiting.