Cosplay Competition
Showcase your latest cosplay in our yearly main stage competition.

Welcome to this year’s WasabiCon Cosplay Competition! Have you been making something amazing? Are you looking for a chance to show your work off to the cosplay community? Well, here’s your chance! Come and join us for this year’s cosplay competition. We’re very excited to see all of the outstanding work you will bring this year’s convention.
There were so many unforgettable cosplays at last year’s show, we just knew we had to turn up the heat on this year’s competition. Please read all information in its entirety below before signing up.
Here are a couple of things to remember before you apply for this year’s competition.
SIGN-UP: Sign up below. Applications are open until July 20th!
PREJUDGING: Saturday from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM in the “Judge’s Chambers” aka the room labeled Studio located on the 3rd floor. Each contestant gets five (5) minutes.
EVENT DAY & TIME: Saturday at 5:00 PM; Contestants should arrive at 4:00 PM for staging and set up.
EVENT LOCATION: Main Events (Pavilion Ballroom).
Competition Ruleset
- You must have purchased an entry into the convention in order to enter/present on stage for the Cosplay Competition.
- The Cosplay Competition is a family-oriented event. Please keep all costumes to a “PG-13″ rating i.e. no nudity or overly revealing attire.
- The competition is open to all ages, however if under the age of 18 contestants are required to have a parent or guardian with them at all times during the competition process.
- Your cosplay must be at least 80% made by you. You may purchase parts of a cosplay, but this must be disclosed during the judging process. If you are not the maker of your cosplay and modeling a cosplay on stage, the creator of the cosplay must be present with you upon entry. If the cosplay wins an award, the award will go to the creator of the costume.
- Your cosplay must be at least 70% complete at the time of submission.
- Only one cosplay may be entered per cosplayer.
- Cosplays are judged as solo artists, so no groups.
- All weapons and props must conform with convention policies, hotel/conference center rules, and local laws concerning carrying a weapon. If there is a question of doubt, don’t bring it. You can read our event rules, including our Props Policy, online at
- The Cosplay Competition Coordinator reserves the right to remove any participant that engages in behavior that is unbecoming of a contestant. Please be kind and act professionally. We want everyone to have a good time!
- Green Mustard Entertainment, Inc. reserves the right to modify, update, or amend these rules at any time.
What to Expect
- The application process is easy and will be open on this page until July 20th to enter this year’s cosplay competition!
- Once your application is submitted, it will be sent over to our panel of judges for review. They will be looking over all of the submissions and choosing the top twenty-five (25) to walk the show.
- The twenty-five (25) finalists will be notified via email on July 21st with plenty of time to put the finishing touches on before the competition. This email will also contain a link for the finalists to signup for their prejudging spot at the show.
- Prejudging will be held from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM on Saturday in the Judge’s Chambers (Studio) and will allow for five (5) minutes per contestant. This is your chance to show the judges all your amazing work and tell them about your build.
- At 4:00 PM on Saturday, finalists will be asked to gather in Main Events (Pavilion Ballroom) for setup before the competition begins.
- At 5:00 PM on Saturday the Cosplay Competition begins. Contestants will be asked to walk across the stage, making three poses as they go. (We are unable to accept lighting or music requests. No skits please)
With so many creative cosplays, it’s always hard to choose a winner! Awards will be given to the individuals that the judges select as first place in the following categories and, from those winners, they will select a best in show. Additionally, three judge’s choice awards will be given.
- Armor
- Threadwork
Meet this year’s Cosplay Competition Judges!

AbbyCat Cosplay

Eli Ebberts